
World War Z and the End of Religion as We Know It. Baldwin, Gale R.

Since when had people tried giving a “rational explanation” to zombies? Apparently, that has been for some time.

Baldwin focuses his essay on “American Zombies” in the books by Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead (2003) and World War Z: an Oral History of the Zombie War (2006). These “American Zombies” are created by a virus and are not related to Haitian Voodou Zombies. What is the point of defining who or where these zombies specifically came from? My theory is that by proving existence through science and not mysticism, it makes it seem more realistic which induces more fear. But, why play on fear? “As a metaphor, Brooks’s version of the zombie is useful because, like all popular culture, it tells us something about ourselves.” The review of the books describes that “a community of violence” is the only way to be brought together. Americans can’t accept that “bad things can happen to good people” which is why Americans need to identify what is evil and what is the enemy. This war in our minds is just a reflection of our own demons. Would we enjoy smashing a heavy object into something’s head? Probably.

Robert Kirk: Zombies and Consciousness. Jason Ford

In my opinion, this was a terrible review on the book, but the book itself seems amazing. “I write as an ex-victim: I know what it is like to have zombie fever”. “If zombies are possible, then there must be more to consciousness than our physical features, which the zombies also possess.”

For fun – Tips for surviving the next Apocalypse

-Organize before they rise!

-They feel no fear, why should you?

-Use your head, cut off theirs.

-No place is safe, only safer

-The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on

One response to “thingy

  1. Kat,
    Your question about fear (“But, why play on fear?”) seems really important to me. What is it about zombies and our fascination with them (seen in books, movies, TV) that plays on fear? You’ll want to be mindful about not boxing yourself into a corner where you’re trying to prove their existence. If you want to trace the origins of voodoo, that’s a bit different. How will you narrow your focus? Zombies in movies? Music? Tv? Books? Art?


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