
World War Z and the End of Religion as We Know It. Baldwin, Gale R.

Since when had people tried giving a “rational explanation” to zombies? Apparently, that has been for some time.

Baldwin focuses his essay on “American Zombies” in the books by Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead (2003) and World War Z: an Oral History of the Zombie War (2006). These “American Zombies” are created by a virus and are not related to Haitian Voodou Zombies. What is the point of defining who or where these zombies specifically came from? My theory is that by proving existence through science and not mysticism, it makes it seem more realistic which induces more fear. But, why play on fear? “As a metaphor, Brooks’s version of the zombie is useful because, like all popular culture, it tells us something about ourselves.” The review of the books describes that “a community of violence” is the only way to be brought together. Americans can’t accept that “bad things can happen to good people” which is why Americans need to identify what is evil and what is the enemy. This war in our minds is just a reflection of our own demons. Would we enjoy smashing a heavy object into something’s head? Probably.

Robert Kirk: Zombies and Consciousness. Jason Ford

In my opinion, this was a terrible review on the book, but the book itself seems amazing. “I write as an ex-victim: I know what it is like to have zombie fever”. “If zombies are possible, then there must be more to consciousness than our physical features, which the zombies also possess.”

For fun – Tips for surviving the next Apocalypse

-Organize before they rise!

-They feel no fear, why should you?

-Use your head, cut off theirs.

-No place is safe, only safer

-The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on

Blog exercise 10


“Zombie myths of Australian military history [electronic resource] / edited by Craig Stockings”, Stockings, Craig A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. : University of New South Wales Press, 2010., [electronic book]

“On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears”, Asma, Stephen T., Oxford, England; Oxford UP; 2009. (xii, 351 pp.), [book]

“The lust for blood: Why we are fascinated by death, murder, horror, and violence.”, Kottler, Jeffrey A., California State University, Fullerton, CA, US, Amherst, NY, US: Prometheus Books, 2011. 311 pp. [book]

Peer Reviewed Articles

“Robert Kirk: Zombies and Consciousness”, Jason Ford , Published online: 11 June 2010, Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010, Minds & Machines (2010) 20:321–324 DOI 10.1007/s11023-010-9197-8 [electronic]

“A DISJUNCTIVE THEORY OF INTROSPECTION: A REFLECTION ON ZOMBIES AND ANTON’S SYNDROME”,   Fiona Macpherson University of Glasgow, Philosophical Issues; Oct2010, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p226-265, 40p [electronic]

“World War Z and the End of Religion as We Know It.”, Gayle R. Baldwin, Cross Currents; Fall2007, Vol. 57 Issue 3, p412-425, 14p [electronic]


Zombies,  -University of Michigan in Fall of 1999.,

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, Ali S Kahn, May 16th, 2011,

Center for Disease Control Hopefully Joking About Zombie Preparedness, Dan Amira, 5/19/11,


RR 9

A Cost Analysis of Capital Punishment by Matthew Bonville

The essay ponders whether the death penalty is cost effective or not, despite morals. Today crimes are not determined by ethics, but by cost. The death penalty may cost less than a life imprisonment penalty, but it gives more work, effort, time, and money onto other people who have to deal with the concerned. It does seem like it would keep people employed, but in the other option wouldn’t people be employed anyways? The essay also uses an interesting block quote from Dieter about funding, where it goes, and is it any safer? The answer would be, it doesn’t really matter either way. On page 74 and 75, I like how Bonville states questions at the end of the paragraphs which lead into other paragraphs where the questions are answered, such as if the opinions of law enforcers effect the cost issue.

Blog Exercise 9


There is not one person in this (contemporary) world that does not know what a zombie is. A plethora of books, movies, and common objects involve zombies. The end of the world almost always involves zombies. Zombies are the number one feared monster. There are scientific facts that both support and go against the possibility of zombies. I want to know why people have always feared zombies, and if they are possible to even exist. How do people deal with zombies? Zombies are animated corpses that are brought back by mystical means such as witchcraft. Many things in literature and movies try to use science to give reasons why zombies exist.

The Walking Dead –  A TV show and a comic book. Very popular.


People often get the wrong idea about Furries. “Furs” do not have sex with animals. Furries are anthromorphic creatures. (humanoid animals). A lot of stories about furries consist of animals being tested by ancient humans that transformed into humanoids. I want to inform people through questions of what furries are. I don’t know how they were thought up. When did people come up with the idea of furries? My view is that there are porn-like things for every subject, not just furries. They are not only concerned about sex. Less than 30-some percent actually care about the sexual part.


My favorite comic that has no weird sexual content

Furry fandom is a fandom for fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics.[1] Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes. Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at conventions”-Wikipedia.


Steampunk is a fashion and a genre. It falls into the era of Victorian than uses advanced steam engines. Conventions are held where people dress up in Steampunk clothing and read stories and fantasies about steam worlds. What influences does Steampunk have on the modern world? I know it influences some art and jewelry, but is there more?

pretty steampunk clothing/items on etsy!

Final Stop to New Things

by Kat Pastula

What is a typical bus stop? It is a busy place filled with the tension of waiting. Irritated people are lurking around the hut or pole ready to jump onto the bus in an instant. These bus-savvy goers are ready to fight to the death with those that interfere with the time it takes to get to the next destination.

But, this is not always the case. The bus stop on Partridge Street and Western is located between two colleges and have high schools nearby. This bus stop has a glass hut with a map, a large sidewalk, and the well-maintained lawn of UAlbany. The light post is a great comfort for those who have to travel on the outlier parts of the running hours: 5:30am to 11:00pm, normal day.

People who ride the bus usually travel in groups ranging from two to four. In this public place, people tend to bring their personal problems. In overhearing their gossip, I can infer what kinds of people attend this bus stop. Two old women were arguing about one of their daughter’s wedding dress. A group of young teenagers described how their silly friend did stupid things with drugs. This asian couple, who were mates, were going to the mall for fun.

Three guys, who I recognized went to Saint Rose, were headed to the mall and so I asked them why. Tim, John, and Mike were headed to the Crossgates Mall. John’s roommate had puked on his bed so the three were getting new bed sheets. Some random other kid piped in, “Yeah, I hate when that happens.” and then a chorus of college students laughed at the situation.

A few days later, I tagged down Tim and Mike. They were coming back from the mall with a new guitar. It was a good thing that they were coming instead of going otherwise I wouldn’t have much time to speak with them. Mike was wearing a black sweater with jeans, and Tim had a gray shirt with guitars on it. (It’s rather funny that he would wear that shirt when he purchased one) People like to stare at his guitar case as we walk by.

I asked them, “How often do you use the bus?” Their answer is once a week. This week is the small exception because a new game comes out on Tuesday. (Battlefield) Their destination is ultimately the mall. The two boys mentioned that they miss their cars but seem to accept that their best situation is to take the bus. The most convenient part of the bus is the free-pass for being a college student at Saint Rose. The main reason, I think, that these young adults use the bus is because of the free-college student admittance. If that were to change, cars would become their main transport then.

Determined to not stand while waiting for the bus, these two will sit on the ground to pass the time. Despite what I had thought about people being nice, the boys are convinced that the bus is not a nice place. If they notice that a particular woman is on the bus, they will not get on. Some time back, one of the guys tripped over the lady’s shoe and then she kicked him. Then she started arguing that they needed to find Jesus or else they’ll go to Hell. They say, “Avoid people like that at all cost.” I have yet to have an experience like that one. Tim said that people are unfriendly and like to push each other out of the way to get on the bus. There is no reason to race for a seat at the stop on Partridge and Western which makes this stop a nice bus stop.

Hearing horror stories upon more horror stories, I conclude that it is not good to make people wait. Taking the bus involves karma, be nice and others will be nice back. The only thing sacrificed is time. Talking to people is also a way of making friends. After interviewing the boys, I wound up playing Battlefield with them. This project founded new friendship with friendly people who just happen to be at a nice bus stop.

RR # 8

“Why Did God Make Flies?” by Richard Conniff.

This essay starts with a question and answers with facts about flies. I had no idea that there were entire books that focused on just flies. There is the book “To know a Fly” by Vincent Dethier and “Flies and Disease” by Bernard Greenburg. In the beginning of the essay, I had believed what early-America thought. Flies were the scourge of disease and a blight to humanity. The quote, “What awful things are they inoculating us with when they flit across our food or land on our sleeping lips to drink our saliva?” made me absolutely shudder. When the book by Dethier mentions that flies actually filter what they consume gave me the silly impression of flies being “picky eaters” despite what it is they are consuming. The shift in irony takes a nose dive when Greenburg argued that we poisoned ourselves with DDT more than flies have hurt humankind and that the loss of flies actually increased filth and toxins. “God created flies to punish human arrogance” is the ultimate irony. We think flies are blightened, yet they have way less bacteria than us humans. Humans and nature need the flies.

The best part of this essay is the writers response to all this research. He still goes to kill them.

Scavenger Hunt






– ” Due to the predictability of the bus services, passengers’ waiting times were observed to be about 30 per cent less than they would have been had the passengers arrived at random times.”


-Depending on the spaces between the bus stops makes the eligibility and logical reason or none for the flag-stops.


-“optimal spacing of bus stops can reduce operating costs by minimizing the required number of buses in service”






1) Marilyn Monroe and Bus Stop –

2) My Neighbor Totoro

-At the bus stop, Totoro appears. And later there is a magical bus stop for the invisible catbus that helps the girl find her sister.


1) There deffinetly people who are as creepy as this. Not at my bus stop, nope!


THRILLER. really? People do really random stuff! All the time.




Bus stop for number 10

I tagged down two of the guys I saw before at the bus stop. This was after they got back which was fortunate for me since it would be troublesome to have only a few minutes until another one arrives and they would leave. These are college students who, this time, came back with a brand new guitar.

I asked them, “How often do you use the bus?” Their answer is once a week. This week is the small exception because a new game comes out on Tuesday. (Battlefield) Their destination is ultimately the mall. The two boys mention that they miss their cars but seem to accept that their best situation is to take the bus. One of the gang is missing from the last time because he went home for the weekend. The most convenient part of the bus is the free-pass for being a college student at Saint Rose. The main reason, I think, that these persons use the bus is because of the free-college student admittance. If that were to change, it makes me wonder if they would still use the bus. (will have to tag them down again)

The one guy is wearing a black sweater with jeans and the other one a gray shirt with guitars on it and jeans (and he is the one who bought the new guitar). It seems that other people like to stare at his case as he goes by.

Determined to not stand while waiting for the bus, these two will sit on the ground to pass the time. Despite what I had thought about people being nice, the boys are convinced that the bus is not a nice place. If they notice that this particular woman is on the bus, they will not get on. Some time back, one of the guy’s tripped over the lady’s shoe and then she kicked him. Then she started arguing that they needed to find Jesus or else they’ll go to hell. They say, “Avoid people like that at all cost.” I have yet to have an experience like that one. They mention that people are unfriendly and like to push each other out of the way to get on the bus. I suppose since there usually are not a lot of people at this stop at a time that there’s no reason to race for a seat. That makes this stop a nice bus stop.

When I was by myself in the hut, the college was getting its lawn mowed and it made a loud humming in the hut that can be felt. -neat fact

Had Kat no followed them home and started playing videogames with them, I would have gotten another person. My next target should be an elder person.

Writing Exercise # 7

1) Bus stop 10 provides transportation for Bus 10. Some love the bus. Some (such as I) are afraid of it. The stop is like a gateway to get somewhere. Creepy people at bus stops that are displayed in movies doesn’t occur at this bus stop. This in general seems a very typical bus stop. It makes you stand where the Bus can see potential passengers as it drives by.

2) This place specifically is between two colleges. I would suspect that this would be a popular spot and it is. There are people here at almost all hours of the day. I like the word “bong” in graffiti. (that’s mainly why it interests me) Even with the small amount of graffiti, it is a very clean spot.

3) This bus system provides services to colleges which lets the students ride for free using their ID. CDTA gives that to the local colleges in the Capital Region. Also, the airport recommends CDTA.

4) In the past, SUNY kids did not have to swipe their cards to enter the bus on certain buses. They only had to show the card. February 5th, 2010, CDTA had them start swiping the cards. Kids complain it takes longer but CDTA won’t change. I agree with having to swipe the card. It should only work if the person is an active student. — No one really talks about the stop itself so I am just writing about the bus system since that is what the people are waiting for. I now people get mad when they can’t get change back from the bus. I hear that from my little corner in the glass hut.

5) I used to hate buses because I drove my car everywhere. I hated them even though I knew they are efficient with moving people with less damage to environment (kind of somewhat). Buses are not so bad now that I still have transportation despite no car. The waiting at the bus stop impresses me though:  it takes much less time then I thought. Sometimes I feel the bus is there before I even realize that it is.

6) The more I find out about the bus stop number 10 on Partridge Street, I wonder about whether people are always so friendly. I have a personal thing where people are in the “don’t go near” zone until they are really friendly and these people at the bus stop don’t give off the vibe of “stay away”.

7) At first you might not suspect friendliness at bus stop 10, but if you look a little closer you may find some new friends to make. My theory is that the people waiting at the bus stop probably have outgoing personalities. I may never meet that boy again, but he was nice while we spoke and he seems like a friendly guy.

8) Wiki describes bus stops as having three different kinds of stops: scheduled, requested, and hail and ride. (I don’t get the difference between the requested and “hail and ride”) Bus stops will have either a pole with a sign on it, or a pole and sign and a shelter. The shelters can have either two, three, or four walls with either a full or half ceiling. It also says that the optimal bus stop spacing is 1000-2000 feet even though most are only 650-900 feet.

I really like this from wiki: “Nursing homes have built fake, imitation bus stops for their patients who are suffering from dementia. Some of these bus stops are even fitted with outdated advertisements and timetables – 30 years outdated. The patients will sit at the bus stop waiting for a bus to take them to their imagined destination. After some time the nursing staff comes to escort the clients back to the retirement home.”

9) Who will I speak with? I will ask people who go there frequently. I don’t really remember their faces and it would be weird if they were wearing the same clothes. Questions I could ask are: Where do you want this bus to take you? Do you think the fare is a decent price? (though I’ll have to be careful with that one because people might suspect the wrong ideas) Do you still use the bus in bad weather? When do you think the bus stops running (to see if they know)?